Skills You Need To Learn As An Embedded System Engineer

There is some skills you need to learn as an Embedded Systems Engineer to be able to make a product or start your career .

The most obvious skill you should know how to code and the basics of programming in at least one programming language (c/c++ ,Java ,python ...etc).
for me my 1st programming language was C++ and its give me a head start in programming and in object orinted programming OOP ,but later i learned C programming language and its much easier and more practical for embedded system as it is a high level language and still give you the control of hardwar pripherals in your system, still whatever your programming background the most important thing is you must know how to code and use the simple if condition and switch ,using loops (for and while loop)  that the basics of any programming language .

You should improve your problem solving skill by practice solving alot of problems and know about algorithms and how it works and how to develope a step by step solution for any given problem.

Some knowledge about electronic devices and how it works ,especially transistors and resistors ,and know about processors and how it works.

I will discusse all the previous topics in my next posts and i will try to simplify it as i can and i will also i will provide some codes and small projects to calrifay any new ideas .
